Biggie Update with the future of KAITO Sekai


I didn't touch KAITO Sekai for like a good 2 months. I didn't update KAITO Sekai anymore after the Fumo KAITO entry. That's cause I got busy with school as it was my last month of high school and I needed to focus, especially on my PreCal class as gAH Damn I needed to put so much attention to that class it was crazy. And because of that I couldn't update KAITO Sekai when I wanted to. Even though it's summer and school doesn't start for me until the end of it, I haven't had any motivation to touch KAITO Sekai and update it. It does hurt as I worked on this for like a year and was happy I finally finished it. I'm thankful I got the motivation to type this up and update! But I don't want to ditch KAITO Sekai in the future anymore.

Future of KAITO Sekai

I'm not abandoing KAITO Sekai just in any case someone thinks that. I'm still doing my best to continue updating this page, I need to get used to the idea KAITO Sekai exists and that I should upload on the site here and there when needed. Other than that KAITO Sekai continues! And I hope you look forward for what I have in store for it.

Thank you for reading.